Осциллограф высокого разрешения Keysight DSOS404A

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Категория: Номер товара в Госреестре:
Сведения из Госреестра СИ, Методики поверки/Описания типа и другие полезные материалы

Основные возможности

  • Полоса пропускания 4 ГГц (с возможностью расширения)
  • 4 аналоговых канала
  • Макс. частота дискретизации 20 Гвыб./с, глубина памяти 50 Мвыб. на канал (стандарт.)
  • Малошумящие входные каскады с эффективным числом разрядов 7,2; 10-разрядный АЦП
  • Емкостной сенсорный дисплей с диагональю 38,1 см и твердотельный жесткий диск
  • Широкий набор прикладных программ для декодирования протоколов, тестирования на соответствие стандартам и анализа сигналов


  • 4 пассивных пробника N2873A с полосой пропускания 500 МГц
  • Сумка для принадлежностей пробников
  • Набор библиотек ввода-вывода Keysight I/O Libraries Suite
  • Кабель питания, крышка передней панели
  • Кабель для калибровки с разъемами BNC и полосой пропускания 8 ГГц
  • Клавиатура и мышь
  • Руководство пользователя и руководство по программированию (размещены на жестком диске осциллографа)
  • 16-канальный логический пробник, кабель для осциллографа смешанных сигналов и приспособление для калибровки

Максимальный объем памяти

Встроенные возможности (опции)

Специальные виды запуска

Операционная система

Размер дисплея

Реального времени

Разрядность индикатора

Максимальная частота дискретизации

Количество каналов

Срок гарантии

Сопротивление 2 входа


Сопротивление входа

АЦП (бит)

Максимальный объем памяти

Полоса пропускания

Число каналов

Тип осциллографа

Эффективное число разрядов (ENOB)
Расширение полосы пропускания
Время нарастания/спада (тип.)

 Торговая марка

DSOS000-821Precision BNC to SMA adapters (qty 2)
Fixed Perpetual and non-network licenses
N2808A-1FPPrecisionProbe, fixed perpetual license
N2808A-1TPPrecisionProbe, transportable perpetual license
N5415B-1FPInfiniiScan event identification software, fixed perpetual license
N5415B-1TPInfiniiScan event identification software, transportable perpetual license
N5400B-1FPEZJIT+ Jitter Analysis SW for Infiniium 9000 and S series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N5400B-1TPEZJIT+ Jitter Analysis SW for Infiniium 9000 and S series Oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N5461B-1FPEqualization Emulation software, fixed perpetual license
N5461B-1TPEqualization Emulation software, transportable perpetual license
N5465B-1FPInfiniiSim Advanced Software, fixed perpetual license
N5465B-1TPInfiniiSim Advanced Software, transportable perpetual license
N5465B-2FPInfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5465B-3FPInfiniiSim Basic Software, fixed perpetual license
N5465B-3TPInfiniiSim Basic Software, transportable perpetual license
N8823B-1FPEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, fixed perpetual license
N8823B-1TPEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, transportable perpetual license
E2681B-1FPEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, fixed perpetual license
E2681B-1TPEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, transportable perpetual license
U1882B-1FPPower measurement analysis software, fixed perpetual license
U1882B-1TPPower measurement analysis software, transportable perpetual license
N8833B-1FPCrosstalk Analysis Tool for Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N8833B-1TPCrosstalk Analysis Tool for Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N8825B-1FP10/100 Ethernet Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8825B-1TP10/100 Ethernet Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8827B-1FPPulse Amplitude Modulation Tool, fixed perpetual license
N8827B-1TPPulse Amplitude Modulation Tool, transportable perpetual license
N5391B-1FPI2C/SPI Protocol Decode with Triggering, fixed perpetual license
N5391B-1TPI2C/SPI Protocol Decode with Triggering, transportable perpetual license
N5462B-1FPRS-232/UART triggering and decode application, fixed perpetual license
N5462B-1TPRS-232/UART triggering and decode application, transportable perpetual license
N5463B-1FPPCI-Express triggering and decode application, fixed perpetual license
N5463B-1TPPCI-Express triggering and decode application, transportable perpetual license
N5464B-1FPUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, fixed perpetual license
N5464B-1TPUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, transportable perpetual license
N8800B-1FPI2C, SPI, RS-232 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, fixed perpetual license
N8800B-1TPI2C, SPI, RS-232 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, transportable perpetual license
N8802B-1FPMIPI D-PHY protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8802B-1TPMIPI D-PHY protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8805B-1FPUSB 3.0 protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8805B-1TPUSB 3.0 protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8807B-1FPDigRF v4 protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8807B-1TPDigRF v4 protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8808B-1FPUniPro protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8808B-1TPUniPro protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8809B-1FPLLI protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8809B-1TPLLI protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8812B-1FPSVID Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8812B-1TPSVID Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8817B-1FPJTAG Protocol Decode for Infiniium 9K/90K scopes, fixed perpetual license
N8817B-1TPJTAG Protocol Decode for Infiniium 9K/90K scopes, transportable perpetual license
N8819B-1FPUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8819B-1TPUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8820B-1FPMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8820B-1TPMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8824B-1FPMIPI RFFE protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8824B-1TPMIPI RFFE protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8818B-1FPUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8818B-1TPUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8801B-1FPSATA/SAS protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8801B-1TPSATA/SAS protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8821B-1FPUSB 3.1: 5 and 10 Gbps Protocol Triggering/Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8821B-1TPUSB 3.1: 5 and 10 Gbps Protocol Triggering/Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8837A-1FPUSB-PD Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8837A-1TPUSB-PD Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8835A-1FPeSPI and Quad eSPI Protocol Decode and Trigger, fixed perpetual license
N8835A-1TPeSPI and Quad eSPI Protocol Decode and Trigger, transportable perpetual license
N8803C-1FPCAN, LIN, FlexRay and CAN-FD Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8803C-1TPCAN, LIN, FlexRay and CAN-FD Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8803C-2FPUpgrade CAN, LIN, FlexRay with CAN-FD, fixed perpetual license
N8803C-2TPUpgrade CAN, LIN, FlexRay with CAN-FD, transportable perpetual license
N8811A-1FPI2S Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8811A-1TPI2S Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8842A-1FPARINC 429 and MIL-STD 1553 Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8842A-1TPARINC 429 and MIL-STD 1553 Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8843A-1FPI3C Protocol Triggering and Decode Software, fixed perpetual license
N8843A-1TPI3C Protocol Triggering and Decode Software, transportable perpetual license
N8845A-1FPSPMI protocol triggering and decode, fixed perpetual license
N8845A-1TPSPMI protocol triggering and decode, transportable perpetual license
N5392C-1FPEthernet compliance with Energy Efficient Ethernet, fixed perpetual license
N5392C-1TPEthernet compliance with Energy Efficient Ethernet, fixed transportable license
N5392C-2FPEthernet compliance application with Energy Efficient Ethernet upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5392C-3FPEthernet compliance application only, fixed perpetual license
N5392C-3TPEthernet compliance application only, transportable perpetual license
N5413C-1FPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, fixed perpetual license
N5413C-1TPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, transportable perpetual license
N5413C-2FPUpgrade for LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, fixed perpetual license
N5413C-3TPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N5413C-3FPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N5416B-1FPUSB 2.0 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
N5416B-1TPUSB 2.0 Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
N5431B-1FPXAUI compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N5431B-1TPXAUI compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N5467C-1FPUser Defined Application for Infiniium and InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N5467C-1TPUser Defined Application for Infiniium and InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N5467C-4FPUser Defined Application for InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N5467C-4TPUser Defined Application for InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N6465B-1FPCompliance software eMMC, fixed perpetual license
N6465B-1TPCompliance software eMMC, transportable perpetual license
N6466B-1FPMOST Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6466B-1TPMOST Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N6467B-1FPBroadR-Reach compliance software, fixed perpetual license
N6467B-1TPBroadR-Reach compliance software, transportable perpetual license
U7231C-1FPDDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7231C-1TPDDR3 and LPDDR3 compliance test software application, transportable perpetual license
U7231C-2FPUpgrade to DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7231C-3FPDDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
U7231C-3TPDDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
U7233B-1FPDDR and LPDDR compliance software, fixed perpetual license
U7233B-1TPDDR and LPDDR compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-1FPDDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-1TPDDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-3FPDDR4 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-3TPDDR4 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-2TPUpgrade to LPDDR4 compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-2FPUpgrade to LPDDR4 compliance software, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-4FPLPDDR4 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-4TPLPDDR4 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-5FPLP/DDR4 Compliance Software Data Analytics Web Service, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-5TPLP/DDR4 Compliance Software Data Analytics Web Service, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-1FP10GBASE-T Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-1TP10GBASE-T Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-3FPMGBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-3TPMGBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-4FPMGBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-4TPMGBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-5FPNBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-5TPNBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-6FPNBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-6TPNBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7246B-1FPSD UHS1 compliance software, fixed perpetual license
U7246B-1TPSD UHS1 compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N5459C-1FPDDR Compliance Software Bundle, fixed perpetual license
N8836A-1FPIEEE 802.3bs Draft PAM-4 Measurements, fixed perpetual license
N8836A-1TPIEEE 802.3bs Draft PAM-4 Measurements, transportable perpetual license
N8836A-4FPOIF-CEI 56G Draft PAM-4 Measurements, fixed perpetual license
N8836A-4TPOIF-CEI 56G Draft PAM-4 Measurements, transportable perpetual license
U7250A-1FPMIPI C-PHY Compliance, fixed perpetual license
U7250A-1TPMIPI C-PHY Compliance, transportable perpetual license
N8890A-1FPCompliance Application Switch Matrix, fixed perpetual license
N8890A-1TPCompliance Application Switch Matrix, transportable perpetual license
N6474A-1FPONFI Compliance Test, fixed perpetual license
N6474A-1TPONFI Compliance Test, transportable perpetual license
N5399F-1FPHDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399F-1TPHDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, transportable perpetual license
N5399F-2FPUpgrade to HDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
U7238E-1FPMIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
U7238E-1TPMIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
U7238E-2FPMIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance upgrade from U7238C/D, fixed perpetual license
U7249E-1FPMIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
U7249E-1TPMIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
U7249E-2FPMIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance upgrade from U7249C/D, fixed perpetual license
Node locked license for version 4.xx
N2808A-1NLPrecisionProbe, node locked license
N5415B-1NLInfiniiScan event identification software, node locked license
N5400B-1NLEZJIT+ Jitter Analysis SW for Infiniium 9000 and S series Oscilloscopes, node locked license
N5461B-1NLEqualization Emulation software, node locked license
N5465B-1NLInfiniiSim Advanced Software, node locked license
N5465B-2NLInfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, node locked license
N5465B-3NLInfiniiSim Basic Software, node locked license
N8823B-1NLEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, node locked license
E2681B-1NLEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, node locked license
U1882B-1NLPower measurement analysis software, node locked license
N5391B-1NLI2C/SPI Protocol Decode with Triggering, node locked license
N5462B-1NLRS-232/UART triggering and decode application, node locked license
N5463B-1NLPCI-Express triggering and decode application, node locked license
N5464B-1NLUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, node locked license
N8800B-1NLI2C, SPI, RS-232 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, node locked license
N8802B-1NLMIPI D-PHY protocol decode, node locked license
N8805B-1NLUSB 3.0 protocol decode, node locked license
N8807B-1NLDigRF v4 protocol decode, node locked license
N8808B-1NLUniPro protocol decode, node locked license
N8809B-1NLLLI protocol decode, node locked license
N8812B-1NLSVID Protocol Triggering and Decode, node locked license
N8817B-1NLJTAG Protocol Decode for Infiniium 9K/90K scopes, node locked license
N8819B-1NLUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, node locked license
N8820B-1NLMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, node locked license
N8824B-1NLMIPI RFFE protocol decode, node locked license
N8818B-1NLUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) protocol decode, node locked license
N8801B-1NLSATA/SAS protocol decode, node locked license
N5392C-2NLEthernet compliance application with Energy Efficient Ethernet upgrade, node locked license
N5392C-3NLEthernet compliance application only, node locked license
N5392C-1NLEthernet compliance with Energy Efficient Ethernet, node locked license
N5413C-1NLDDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, node locked license
N5413C-2NLUpgrade for LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, node locked license
N5413C-3NLDDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, node locked license
N5416B-1NLUSB 2.0 Compliance Software, node locked license
N5431B-1NLXAUI compliance application, node locked license
N5467C-1NLUser Defined Application, node locked license
N6465B-1NLCompliance software eMMC, node locked license
N6466B-1NLMOST Compliance Application, node locked license
N6467B-1NLBroadR-Reach compliance software, node locked license
U7231C-1NLDDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, node locked license
U7231C-2NLUpgrade to DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, node locked license
U7231C-3NLDDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, node locked license
U7233B-1NLDDR and LPDDR compliance software, node locked license
N6462B-1NLDDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software, node locked license
N6462B-3NLDDR4 Debug Tool, node locked license
U7236B-1NL10GBASE-T Compliance Software, node locked license
U7246B-1NLSD UHS1 compliance software, node locked license
N5459C-1NLDDR Compliance Software Bundle, node locked license
DSOS000-DSADSA Software Bundle, fixed perpetual license
N8846A-1FPPower Integrity Analysis, fixed perpetual license
N8846A-1TPPower Integrity Analysis, transportable perpetual license
N8846A-2FPUpgrade from Power Integrity to Crosstalk Analysis App, fixed perpetual license
DSOS001-DSAIncludes 200 Mpts/CH Memory and EZJIT Complete
N8847A-1FPBroadR-Reach Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8847A-1TPBroadR-Reach Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8848A-1FPMIPI C-PHY Protocol Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8848A-1TPMIPI C-PHY Protocol Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8849A-1FPSpaceWire Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8849A-1TPSpaceWire Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8850A-1FPManchester Protocol Trigger and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8850A-1TPManchester Protocol Trigger and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N5393G-2FPPCIe Compliance 4.0 Upgrade from N5393E (2.5G Only), fixed perpetual license
N5393G-3FPPCIe 4.0 Compliance Application 2.5G Only, fixed perpetual license
Осциллографы Infiniium серии S (232-233)