Осциллограф высокого разрешения Keysight DSOS104A

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Категория: Номер товара в Госреестре:
Сведения из Госреестра СИ, Методики поверки/Описания типа и другие полезные материалы

Основные возможности

  • Полоса пропускания 6 ГГц (с возможностью расширения)
  • 4 аналоговых и 16 цифровых каналов
  • Макс. частота дискретизации 20 Гвыб./с, глубина памяти 50 Мвыб./канал (стандарт.)
  • Входные каскады с эффективным числом разрядов 6,8; 10-разрядный АЦП
  • Емкостной сенсорный дисплей с диагональю 38,1 см и твердотельный жесткий диск
  • Широкий набор прикладных программ для декодирования протоколов, тестирования на соответствие стандартам и анализа сигналов
  • Порты 4 х USB2.0, 2 х USB 3.0, USB3.0 High-speed (поддержка flash-накопителей, мыши, клавиатуры, микрофонов и принтеров), LAN, VGA, DisplayPort
  • Частота дискретизации для аналоговых каналов: 20 Гвыб/с при работе половины каналов, 10 Гвыб/с при работе всех каналов, Для цифровых каналов: 2 Гвыб/с


  • 4 пассивных пробника N2873A с полосой пропускания 500 МГц
  • Сумка для принадлежностей пробников
  • Набор библиотек ввода-вывода Keysight I/O Libraries Suite
  • Кабель питания, крышка передней панели
  • Кабель для калибровки с разъемами BNC и полосой пропускания 8 ГГц
  • Клавиатура и мышь
  • Руководство пользователя и руководство по программированию (размещены на жестком диске осциллографа)
  • 16-канальный логический пробник, кабель для осциллографа смешанных сигналов и приспособление для калибровки

Сопротивление 2 входа

Время нарастания/спада (тип.)

Расширение полосы пропускания

Эффективное число разрядов (ENOB)

Тип осциллографа

Число каналов

Полоса пропускания

Максимальный объем памяти

АЦП (бит)

Сопротивление входа


Встроенные возможности (опции)

Максимальный объем памяти

Срок гарантии

Количество каналов

Максимальная частота дискретизации

Разрядность индикатора

Реального времени

Размер дисплея

Операционная система

Специальные виды запуска

 Торговая марка

DSOS000-821Precision BNC to SMA adapters (qty 2)
Fixed Perpetual and non-network licenses
N2808A-1FPPrecisionProbe, fixed perpetual license
N2808A-1TPPrecisionProbe, transportable perpetual license
N5415B-1FPInfiniiScan event identification software, fixed perpetual license
N5415B-1TPInfiniiScan event identification software, transportable perpetual license
N5400B-1FPEZJIT+ Jitter Analysis SW for Infiniium 9000 and S series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N5400B-1TPEZJIT+ Jitter Analysis SW for Infiniium 9000 and S series Oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N5461B-1FPEqualization Emulation software, fixed perpetual license
N5461B-1TPEqualization Emulation software, transportable perpetual license
N5465B-1FPInfiniiSim Advanced Software, fixed perpetual license
N5465B-1TPInfiniiSim Advanced Software, transportable perpetual license
N5465B-2FPInfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5465B-3FPInfiniiSim Basic Software, fixed perpetual license
N5465B-3TPInfiniiSim Basic Software, transportable perpetual license
N8823B-1FPEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, fixed perpetual license
N8823B-1TPEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, transportable perpetual license
E2681B-1FPEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, fixed perpetual license
E2681B-1TPEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, transportable perpetual license
U1882B-1FPPower measurement analysis software, fixed perpetual license
U1882B-1TPPower measurement analysis software, transportable perpetual license
N8833B-1FPCrosstalk Analysis Tool for Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N8833B-1TPCrosstalk Analysis Tool for Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N8825B-1FP10/100 Ethernet Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8825B-1TP10/100 Ethernet Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8827B-1FPPulse Amplitude Modulation Tool, fixed perpetual license
N8827B-1TPPulse Amplitude Modulation Tool, transportable perpetual license
N5391B-1FPI2C/SPI Protocol Decode with Triggering, fixed perpetual license
N5391B-1TPI2C/SPI Protocol Decode with Triggering, transportable perpetual license
N5462B-1FPRS-232/UART triggering and decode application, fixed perpetual license
N5462B-1TPRS-232/UART triggering and decode application, transportable perpetual license
N5463B-1FPPCI-Express triggering and decode application, fixed perpetual license
N5463B-1TPPCI-Express triggering and decode application, transportable perpetual license
N5464B-1FPUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, fixed perpetual license
N5464B-1TPUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, transportable perpetual license
N8800B-1FPI2C, SPI, RS-232 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, fixed perpetual license
N8800B-1TPI2C, SPI, RS-232 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, transportable perpetual license
N8802B-1FPMIPI D-PHY protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8802B-1TPMIPI D-PHY protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8805B-1FPUSB 3.0 protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8805B-1TPUSB 3.0 protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8807B-1FPDigRF v4 protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8807B-1TPDigRF v4 protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8808B-1FPUniPro protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8808B-1TPUniPro protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8809B-1FPLLI protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8809B-1TPLLI protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8812B-1FPSVID Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8812B-1TPSVID Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8817B-1FPJTAG Protocol Decode for Infiniium 9K/90K scopes, fixed perpetual license
N8817B-1TPJTAG Protocol Decode for Infiniium 9K/90K scopes, transportable perpetual license
N8819B-1FPUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8819B-1TPUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8820B-1FPMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8820B-1TPMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8824B-1FPMIPI RFFE protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8824B-1TPMIPI RFFE protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8818B-1FPUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8818B-1TPUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8801B-1FPSATA/SAS protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8801B-1TPSATA/SAS protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8821B-1FPUSB 3.1: 5 and 10 Gbps Protocol Triggering/Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8821B-1TPUSB 3.1: 5 and 10 Gbps Protocol Triggering/Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8837A-1FPUSB-PD Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8837A-1TPUSB-PD Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8835A-1FPeSPI and Quad eSPI Protocol Decode and Trigger, fixed perpetual license
N8835A-1TPeSPI and Quad eSPI Protocol Decode and Trigger, transportable perpetual license
N8803C-1FPCAN, LIN, FlexRay and CAN-FD Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8803C-1TPCAN, LIN, FlexRay and CAN-FD Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8803C-2FPUpgrade CAN, LIN, FlexRay with CAN-FD, fixed perpetual license
N8803C-2TPUpgrade CAN, LIN, FlexRay with CAN-FD, transportable perpetual license
N8811A-1FPI2S Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8811A-1TPI2S Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8842A-1FPARINC 429 and MIL-STD 1553 Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8842A-1TPARINC 429 and MIL-STD 1553 Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8843A-1FPI3C Protocol Triggering and Decode Software, fixed perpetual license
N8843A-1TPI3C Protocol Triggering and Decode Software, transportable perpetual license
N8845A-1FPSPMI protocol triggering and decode, fixed perpetual license
N8845A-1TPSPMI protocol triggering and decode, transportable perpetual license
N5392C-1FPEthernet compliance with Energy Efficient Ethernet, fixed perpetual license
N5392C-1TPEthernet compliance with Energy Efficient Ethernet, fixed transportable license
N5392C-2FPEthernet compliance application with Energy Efficient Ethernet upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5392C-3FPEthernet compliance application only, fixed perpetual license
N5392C-3TPEthernet compliance application only, transportable perpetual license
N5413C-1FPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, fixed perpetual license
N5413C-1TPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, transportable perpetual license
N5413C-2FPUpgrade for LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, fixed perpetual license
N5413C-3TPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N5413C-3FPDDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N5416B-1FPUSB 2.0 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
N5416B-1TPUSB 2.0 Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
N5431B-1FPXAUI compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N5431B-1TPXAUI compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N5467C-1FPUser Defined Application for Infiniium and InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N5467C-1TPUser Defined Application for Infiniium and InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N5467C-4FPUser Defined Application for InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
N5467C-4TPUser Defined Application for InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, transportable perpetual license
N6465B-1FPCompliance software eMMC, fixed perpetual license
N6465B-1TPCompliance software eMMC, transportable perpetual license
N6466B-1FPMOST Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6466B-1TPMOST Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N6467B-1FPBroadR-Reach compliance software, fixed perpetual license
N6467B-1TPBroadR-Reach compliance software, transportable perpetual license
U7231C-1FPDDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7231C-1TPDDR3 and LPDDR3 compliance test software application, transportable perpetual license
U7231C-2FPUpgrade to DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7231C-3FPDDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
U7231C-3TPDDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
U7233B-1FPDDR and LPDDR compliance software, fixed perpetual license
U7233B-1TPDDR and LPDDR compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-1FPDDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-1TPDDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-3FPDDR4 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-3TPDDR4 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-2TPUpgrade to LPDDR4 compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-2FPUpgrade to LPDDR4 compliance software, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-4FPLPDDR4 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-4TPLPDDR4 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N6462B-5FPLP/DDR4 Compliance Software Data Analytics Web Service, fixed perpetual license
N6462B-5TPLP/DDR4 Compliance Software Data Analytics Web Service, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-1FP10GBASE-T Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-1TP10GBASE-T Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-3FPMGBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-3TPMGBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-4FPMGBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-4TPMGBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-5FPNBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-5TPNBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236B-6FPNBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236B-6TPNBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7246B-1FPSD UHS1 compliance software, fixed perpetual license
U7246B-1TPSD UHS1 compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N5459C-1FPDDR Compliance Software Bundle, fixed perpetual license
N8836A-1FPIEEE 802.3bs Draft PAM-4 Measurements, fixed perpetual license
N8836A-1TPIEEE 802.3bs Draft PAM-4 Measurements, transportable perpetual license
N8836A-4FPOIF-CEI 56G Draft PAM-4 Measurements, fixed perpetual license
N8836A-4TPOIF-CEI 56G Draft PAM-4 Measurements, transportable perpetual license
U7250A-1FPMIPI C-PHY Compliance, fixed perpetual license
U7250A-1TPMIPI C-PHY Compliance, transportable perpetual license
N8890A-1FPCompliance Application Switch Matrix, fixed perpetual license
N8890A-1TPCompliance Application Switch Matrix, transportable perpetual license
N6474A-1FPONFI Compliance Test, fixed perpetual license
N6474A-1TPONFI Compliance Test, transportable perpetual license
N5399F-1FPHDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399F-1TPHDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, transportable perpetual license
N5399F-2FPUpgrade to HDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
U7238E-1FPMIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
U7238E-1TPMIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
U7238E-2FPMIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance upgrade from U7238C/D, fixed perpetual license
U7249E-1FPMIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
U7249E-1TPMIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
U7249E-2FPMIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance upgrade from U7249C/D, fixed perpetual license
Node locked license for version 4.xx
N2808A-1NLPrecisionProbe, node locked license
N5415B-1NLInfiniiScan event identification software, node locked license
N5400B-1NLEZJIT+ Jitter Analysis SW for Infiniium 9000 and S series Oscilloscopes, node locked license
N5461B-1NLEqualization Emulation software, node locked license
N5465B-1NLInfiniiSim Advanced Software, node locked license
N5465B-2NLInfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, node locked license
N5465B-3NLInfiniiSim Basic Software, node locked license
N8823B-1NLEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, node locked license
E2681B-1NLEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, node locked license
U1882B-1NLPower measurement analysis software, node locked license
N5391B-1NLI2C/SPI Protocol Decode with Triggering, node locked license
N5462B-1NLRS-232/UART triggering and decode application, node locked license
N5463B-1NLPCI-Express triggering and decode application, node locked license
N5464B-1NLUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, node locked license
N8800B-1NLI2C, SPI, RS-232 Protocol Decode Software with Triggering, node locked license
N8802B-1NLMIPI D-PHY protocol decode, node locked license
N8805B-1NLUSB 3.0 protocol decode, node locked license
N8807B-1NLDigRF v4 protocol decode, node locked license
N8808B-1NLUniPro protocol decode, node locked license
N8809B-1NLLLI protocol decode, node locked license
N8812B-1NLSVID Protocol Triggering and Decode, node locked license
N8817B-1NLJTAG Protocol Decode for Infiniium 9K/90K scopes, node locked license
N8819B-1NLUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, node locked license
N8820B-1NLMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, node locked license
N8824B-1NLMIPI RFFE protocol decode, node locked license
N8818B-1NLUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) protocol decode, node locked license
N8801B-1NLSATA/SAS protocol decode, node locked license
N5392C-2NLEthernet compliance application with Energy Efficient Ethernet upgrade, node locked license
N5392C-3NLEthernet compliance application only, node locked license
N5392C-1NLEthernet compliance with Energy Efficient Ethernet, node locked license
N5413C-1NLDDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, node locked license
N5413C-2NLUpgrade for LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, node locked license
N5413C-3NLDDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, node locked license
N5416B-1NLUSB 2.0 Compliance Software, node locked license
N5431B-1NLXAUI compliance application, node locked license
N5467C-1NLUser Defined Application, node locked license
N6465B-1NLCompliance software eMMC, node locked license
N6466B-1NLMOST Compliance Application, node locked license
N6467B-1NLBroadR-Reach compliance software, node locked license
U7231C-1NLDDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, node locked license
U7231C-2NLUpgrade to DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, node locked license
U7231C-3NLDDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, node locked license
U7233B-1NLDDR and LPDDR compliance software, node locked license
N6462B-1NLDDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software, node locked license
N6462B-3NLDDR4 Debug Tool, node locked license
U7236B-1NL10GBASE-T Compliance Software, node locked license
U7246B-1NLSD UHS1 compliance software, node locked license
N5459C-1NLDDR Compliance Software Bundle, node locked license
DSOS000-DSADSA Software Bundle, fixed perpetual license
N8846A-1FPPower Integrity Analysis, fixed perpetual license
N8846A-1TPPower Integrity Analysis, transportable perpetual license
N8846A-2FPUpgrade from Power Integrity to Crosstalk Analysis App, fixed perpetual license
DSOS001-DSAIncludes 200 Mpts/CH Memory and EZJIT Complete
N8847A-1FPBroadR-Reach Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8847A-1TPBroadR-Reach Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8848A-1FPMIPI C-PHY Protocol Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8848A-1TPMIPI C-PHY Protocol Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8849A-1FPSpaceWire Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8849A-1TPSpaceWire Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8850A-1FPManchester Protocol Trigger and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8850A-1TPManchester Protocol Trigger and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N5393G-2FPPCIe Compliance 4.0 Upgrade from N5393E (2.5G Only), fixed perpetual license
N5393G-3FPPCIe 4.0 Compliance Application 2.5G Only, fixed perpetual license
Осциллографы Infiniium серии S (232-233)