Осциллограф Keysight DSAZ632A

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Категория: Номер товара в Госреестре:
Сведения из Госреестра СИ, Методики поверки/Описания типа и другие полезные материалы

Основные возможности и технические характеристики

  • Полоса пропускания в режиме реального времени: 63 ГГц
  • Частота дискретизации: 160 Гвыб./с при использовании одного канала, 80 Гвыб./с при использовании двух каналов
  • Самый большой в отрасли объем памяти: 100 Мвыб. на канал в стандартной комплектации с возможностью расширения до 2 Гвыб. на канал


  • Кабель питания
  • Кабель для калибровки
  • Клавиатура и мышь
  • Антистатический браслет для защиты от статического электричества
  • 5 коаксиальных адаптеров(5061-5311)
  • Модели с полосами пропускания 50 ГГц, 59 ГГц и 63 ГГц комплектуются двумя дополнительными переходниками 1,85 (розетка) / 1,85 (розетка) (54932-68712)
  • Съемный твердотельный диск (SSD) в стандартной комплектации

Максимальный объем памяти

Максимальный объем памяти

Минимальный уровень шумов

Специальные виды запуска

Операционная система

Реального времени

Разрядность индикатора

Максимальная частота дискретизации

Количество каналов

Размер дисплея

Полоса пропускания


Мин. время нарастания спада

Расширение полосы пропускания
Запуск и декодирование протоколов
АЦП (бит)

Число каналов

 Торговая марка

Data Storage
DSOZ000-801Upgrade - Removable SSD drive for Z-Series - 1TB
DSOZ000-800Standard Removable SSD drive for Z-Series - 500 GB
Additional Memory
DSOZ000-01GIncludes 1 Gpts/CH Memory
DSOZ000-02GIncludes 2 Gpts/CH Memory
DSOZ000-100Includes 100 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOZ000-200Includes 200 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOZ000-500Includes 500 Mpts/CH Memory
Calibration Documentation
DSOZ000-A6JANSI Z540 Compliant Calibration
DSOZ000-AMGCalibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)
DSAZ000-01GIncludes 1 Gpts/CH Memory
DSAZ000-02GIncludes 2 Gpts/CH Memory
DSAZ000-200Includes 200 Mpts/CH Memory
DSAZ000-500Includes 500 Mpts/CH Memory
Software, Analysis Applications
E2681A-1NLEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, node locked license
E2681A-1FPEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, fixed perpetual license
E2681A-1TPEZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, transportable perpetual license
N5400A-1NLEZJIT+ jitter analysis software, node locked license
N5400A-1FPEZJIT+ jitter analysis software, fixed perpetual license
N5400A-1TPEZJIT+ jitter analysis software, transportable perpetual license
N5414B-1NLInfiniiScan Event Identification Software, node locked license
N5414B-1FPInfiniiScan Event Identification Software, fixed perpetual license
N5414B-1TPInfiniiScan Event Identification Software, transportable perpetual license
N5461A-1NLEqualization Emulation software, node locked license
N5461A-1FPEqualization Emulation software, fixed perpetual license
N5461A-1TPEqualization Emulation software, transportable perpetual license
N5465A-1NLInfiniiSim Advanced, node locked license
N5465A-2NLInfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, node locked license
N5465A-3NLInfiniiSim Basic, node locked license
N5465A-1FPInfiniiSim Advanced, fixed perpetual license
N5465A-1TPInfiniiSim Advanced, transportable perpetual license
N5465A-2FPInfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5465A-3FPInfiniiSim Basic, fixed perpetual license
N5465A-3TPInfiniiSim Basic, transportable perpetual license
N8823A-1NLEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, node locked license
N8823A-1FPEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, fixed perpetual license
N8823A-1TPEZJIT Complete vertical noise analysis software, transportable perpetual license
N8806A-002User Defined Application, fixed perpetual license
N8806A-001MATLAB - Standard Oscilloscope Package, fixed perpetual license
N8806A-1NLMATLAB and User Defined Function Bundle, node locked license
N8806A-1FPMATLAB and User Defined Function Bundle, fixed perpetual license
N8833A-1FPCrosstalk Analysis Tool, fixed perpetual license
N8833A-1TPCrosstalk Analysis Tool, transportable perpetual license
N8825A-1FP10/100 Ethernet Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8825A-1TP10/100 Ethernet Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8827A-1FPPulse Amplitude Modulation Tool, fixed perpetual license
N8827A-1TPPulse Amplitude Modulation Tool, transportable perpetual license
Software, Protocol Applications
N5464A-1NLUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software, node locked license
N5464A-1TPUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software, fixed perpetual license
N5464A-1FPUSB 2.0 Protocol Decode Software, fixed perpetual license
N8801A-1NLSATA/SAS protocol decode, node locked license
N8801A-1FPSATA/SAS protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8801A-1TPSATA/SAS protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8805A-1NLUSB 3.0 protocol decode, node locked license
N8805A-1FPUSB 3.0 protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8805A-1TPUSB 3.0 protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8807A-1NLDigRF v4 protocol decode, node locked license
N8807A-1FPDigRF v4 protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8807A-1TPDigRF v4 protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8808A-1NLUniPro Protocol Decode, node locked license
N8808A-1TPUniPro Protocol Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8808A-1FPUniPro Protocol Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8809A-1NLLLI Protocol Decode, node locked license
N8809A-1FPLLI Protocol Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8809A-1TPLLI Protocol Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8815A-1NLEthernet 64/66 Protocol and Decode Software, node locked license
N8815A-1FPEthernet 64/66 Protocol and Decode Software, fixed perpetual license
N8815A-1TPEthernet 64/66 Protocol and Decode Software, transportable perpetual license
N8818A-1NLUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) Protocol decode, node locked license
N8818A-1FPUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) Protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8818A-1TPUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) Protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8819A-1NLUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, node locked license
N8819A-1TPUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, transportable perpetual license
N8819A-1FPUSB 3.0 SuperSpeed Inter-Chip (SSIC) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8820A-1NLMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, node locked license
N8820A-1FPMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, fixed perpetual license
N8820A-1TPMIPI CSI-3 (M-PHY) protocol decode, transportable license
N8824A-1NLMIPI RFFE Protocol decode , node locked license
N8824A-1FPMIPI RFFE Protocol decode , fixed perpetual license
N8824A-1TPMIPI RFFE Protocol decode , transportable perpetual license
N5462A-1NLRS-232/UART decode application, node locked license
N5462A-1FPRS-232/UART decode application, fixed perpetual license
N5462A-1TPRS-232/UART decode application, transportable perpetual license
N5463A-1NLPCI-Express protocol, node locked license
N5463A-1FPPCI-Express protocol, fixed perpetual license
N5463A-1TPPCI-Express protocol, transportable perpetual license
N8821A-1FPUSB 3.1: 5 and 10 Gbps Protocol Triggering/Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8821A-1TPUSB 3.1: 5 and 10 Gbps Protocol Triggering/Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8837A-1FPUSB-PD Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8837A-1TPUSB-PD Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8803C-1FPCAN, LIN, FlexRay and CAN-FD Protocol Triggering and Decode, fixed perpetual license
N8803C-1TPCAN, LIN, FlexRay and CAN-FD Protocol Triggering and Decode, transportable perpetual license
N8803C-2FPUpgrade CAN, LIN, FlexRay with CAN-FD, fixed perpetual license
N8803C-2TPUpgrade CAN, LIN, FlexRay with CAN-FD, transportable perpetual license
N8851A-1FP100GBASE-KR/CR 64b/66b and Link Training Decoder, fixed perpetual license
N8851A-1TP100GBASE-KR/CR 64b/66b and Link Training Decoder, transportable perpetual license
Осциллографы Infiniium серии Z (238-254)