N5290A Измерительная система мм-диапазона длин волн на базе анализатора цепей PNA

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Сведения из Госреестра СИ, Методики поверки/Описания типа и другие полезные материалы

Основные возможности и технические характеристики

  • Широкополосное решение для измерений за один цикл свипирования с использованием компактных модулей расширения частотного диапазона
  • Возможность приобретения в виде единого комплексного решения
  • Возможность подачи на тестируемое устройство сигнала с точно регулируемым уровнем мощности, что позволяет проводить измерения со свипированием мощности
  • Широкий выбор прикладных программ для детального анализа результатов измерений


Максимальная скорость (201 точка, 1 развертка)

Количество встроенных портов

Серии анализаторов цепей


Динамический диапазон

Выходная мощность

Тип прибора


 Торговая марка

Диапазон частот От

Диапазон частот До

System Components
N5292A-400Test set, 4 port
N5292A-200Test set, 2 port
Network Analyzer
N5222B-2052-port, configurable test set, ref mixer switch, low frequency extension
N5222B-2202-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, low frequency extension
N5222B-4054-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, low frequency extension
N5222B-4204-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, low frequency extension
N5222B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5222B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5222B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5222B-020Add IF inputs
N5222B-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5222B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5227B-2052-port, configurable test set, ref mixer switch, low frequency extension
N5227B-2202-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, low frequency extension
N5227B-4054-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, low frequency extension
N5227B-4204-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, low frequency extension
N5227B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5227B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5227B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5227B-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5227B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5227B-020Add IF inputs
N5242B-2012-port, configurable test set
N5242B-2052-port, configurable test set,  low frequency extension
N5242B-2172-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators
N5242B-2222-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, second source, combiner, mechanical switches
N5242B-4014-port, configurable test set, with second source
N5242B-4174-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators
N5242B-4224-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, combiner, mechanical switches
N5242B-4254-port configurable test set, second source, attenuators, low frequency extension, combiner and mechanical switches
N5242B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5242B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5242B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5242B-020Add IF inputs
N5242B-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5242B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5242B-029Add noise receiver to 26.5 GHz
N5247B-2012-port, configurable test set
N5247B-4014-port, configurable test set, second source
N5247B-4254-port configurable test set, second source, attenuators, low frequency extension, combiner and mechanical switches
N5247B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5247B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5247B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5247B-020Add IF inputs
N5247B-021Add pulse modulator to internal first source
N5247B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5247B-029Add noise receiver to 50 GHz
Interconnect Cables
N5292A-222Interconnect Kit for 2 Port Test Set and 2 Port VNA with 3.5 mm Ports
N5292A-224Interconnect Kit for 2 Port Test Set and 2 Port VNA with 2.4 mm or 1.85 mm Ports
N5292A-442Interconnect Kit for 4 Port Test Set and 4 Port VNA with 3.5 mm Ports
N5292A-444Interconnect Kit for 4 Port Test Set and 4 Port VNA with 2.4 mm or 1.85 mm Ports
S93007A-1FPAutomatic fixture removal, fixed perpetual license
S93007A-1FYAutomatic fixture removal, fixed 1-year license
S93007A-1TPAutomatic fixture removal, transportable perpetual license
S93007A-1TYAutomatic fixture removal, transportable 1-year license
S93010A-1FPTime domain analysis, fixed perpetual license
S93010A-1FYTime domain analysis, fixed 1-year license
S93010A-1TPTime domain analysis, transportable perpetual license
S93010A-1TYTime domain analysis, transportable 1-year license
S93011A-1FPEnhanced Time Domain Analysis with TDR, fixed perpetual license
S93011A-1FYEnhanced Time Domain Analysis with TDR, fixed 1-year license
S93011A-1TPEnhanced Time Domain Analysis with TDR, transportable perpetual license
S93011A-1TYEnhanced Time Domain Analysis with TDR, transportable 1-year license
S93015A-1FPDynamic uncertainty for S-parameters, fixed perpetual license
S93015A-1FYDynamic uncertainty for S-parameters, fixed 1-year license
S93015A-1TPDynamic uncertainty for S-parameters, transportable perpetual license
S93015A-1TYDynamic uncertainty for S-parameters, transportable 1-year license
S93025A-1FPBasic pulsed-RF measurements, fixed perpetual license
S93025A-1FYBasic pulsed-RF measurements, fixed 1-year license
S93025A-1TPBasic pulsed-RF measurements, transportable perpetual license
S93025A-1TYBasic pulsed-RF measurements, transportable 1-year license
S93026A-1FPAdvanced pulsed-RF measurements, fixed perpetual license
S93026A-1FYAdvanced pulsed-RF measurements, fixed 1-year license
S93026A-1TPAdvanced pulsed-RF measurements, transportable perpetual license
S93026A-1TYAdvanced pulsed-RF measurements, transportable 1-year license
S93029A-1FPNoise figure measurements with vector correction, fixed perpetual license
S93029A-1FYNoise figure measurements with vector correction, fixed 1-year license
S93029A-1TPNoise figure measurements with vector correction, transportable perpetual license
S93029A-1TYNoise figure measurements with vector correction, transportable 1-year license
S93080A-1FPFrequency-offset measurements, fixed perpetual license
S93080A-1FYFrequency-offset measurements, fixed 1-year license
S93080A-1TPFrequency-offset measurements, transportable perpetual license
S93080A-1TYFrequency-offset measurements, transportable 1-year license
S93082A-1TPScalar mixer/converter measurements, transportable perpetual license
S93082A-1TYScalar mixer/converter measurements, transportable 1-year license
S93082A-1FPScalar mixer/converter measurements, fixed perpetual license
S93082A-1FYScalar mixer/converter measurements, fixed 1-year license
S93083A-1FPVector and scalar mixer/converter measurements, fixed perpetual license
S93083A-1FYVector and scalar mixer/converter measurements, fixed 1-year license
S93083A-1TPVector and scalar mixer/converter measurements, transportable perpetual license
S93083A-1TYVector and scalar mixer/converter measurements, transportable 1-year license